Mood Swings

There are few things more frustrating than feeling a loss of control over your emotions, especially on a regular basis. Mood swings, are a common symptom experienced by many women before, during, and even after menopause that come on as a result of the hormonal changes that occur during this stage of life..

For many women, moments of irritability, worry, and weepiness are all too common. However, learning how to manage mood swings during menopause can greatly improve the quality of your life.

Equelle Symptom Relief

An estrogen decline symptom relief supplement with S-equol, a plant-based ingredient derived from soy that safely and naturally mimics estrogen - relieving hot flashes, improving sleep, alleviating mood swings, and more.

What Causes Menopausal Mood Swings?

The main culprit behind menopausal mood swings is the disruption of serotonin production, which is responsible for regulating mood.

Estrogen, the female sex hormone that the body produces less and less of during menopause, is closely connected to the production of serotonin. So, as estrogen levels fluctuate during menopause, the creation of serotonin can be disrupted, leading to less stable and more unpredictable moods.

On top of reckoning with the consequences of significant hormonal changes, women experiencing menopause often manage stress from other major life changes that tend to accompany growing older.

For some, acknowledging the end of childbearing years can be an extremely emotional experience. Likewise, dealing with things like changes in employment, lifestyle, and more can come into play.

The combination of fluctuating estrogen levels and other major stressors can be very difficult to handle.

What Helps Mood Swings During Menopause?

Mood swings during menopause may be unavoidable, but try some of the following things to help keep yourself on an even keel:

● Pay attention to the signals your body is giving you. Adjust your workload and rest periods accordingly

● Understand that mood swings are a natural and common symptom of menopause that will eventually pass

● Upgrade your bedtime routine so that it is both regular and relaxing. This can help increase the amount of sleep you get, which will in turn decrease irritability

● Eat a healthy diet with lots of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy proteins, and fats

● Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and spicy foods. These can contribute to hot flashes and night sweats which can keep you awake.

● Consider taking Equelle to alleviate mood swings associated with menopause

Equelle is a daily supplement with S-equol, a plant-based metabolite of soy that mimics estrogen in the body. Equelle helps improve many menopause symptoms, including supporting sleep quality and mood. After 12 weeks, women using Equelle reported a 92% satisfaction rate.

Do Mood Swings Stop After Menopause?

It is normal to feel irritable, tired, or anxious during your menopause journey.

Fortunately, as the hormonal fluctuations that impact the body’s ability to create serotonin begin to level out, many women experience a reduction in how often mood swings occur. As the hot flashes and night sweats decrease, you may be able to rest better. Better rest means more stable moods, greater clarity, and a happier you.

Experiencing and Managing Mood Swings: Final Thoughts

Although you may not be able to completely avoid mood swings during menopause, you can manage them.

Because emotional changes are not visible on the outside and can be hard to put into words, they are sometimes ignored or discounted. But they are real, painful, and all too common during menopause.

If you feel you are seriously struggling with your mood swings during menopause, help is available to you through supplements, medication, therapy, or a combination of these.

Never hesitate to contact a healthcare professional for more support and specific advice to manage your mood swings.

S-equol is backed by decades of safety & efficacy research. 3,6-7

Ready to get relief from your menopause symptoms?